Sunday, 8 December 2019


It is a fact that Khabzela's disclosure brought to light a serious dichotomy in this country over HIV and Aids. Despite condemnation from critics and vilification in some quarters, the DJ was undoubtedly the closest figure South Africa has had to Freddie Mercury - the first major entertainment figure here to publicly disclose his HIV status. Using Mekonko as a vehicle, Khabzela developed the social- responsibility angle of his career on tour, where he invited aspirant DJs to perform with him. Robert Mugabe buried in rural home town. You've reached the daily limit of 10 videos.

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It is a fact that Khabzela's disclosure brought to light a serious dichotomy in this country over HIV and Aids.

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Khabzela on YFM Leave us feedback. Watch artist interviews here. His boss, Yfm station manager Greg Maloka, battled to sustain Khabzela's on-air image after the DJ briefly returned to work but was regarded as too incoherent to continue.

Automatically share your activity on Facebook. Please activate your account by clicking the link in the welcome email we've just sent you. Make my profile public at. Even when he was at his weakest and wheelchair-bound, Khabzela still showed a great sense of humour and revealed that over-arching charisma which earned him so many accolades.

Robert Mugabe buried in rural home town. Click this button to skip to the next video. Mkeonko compilation album, Mekonko Vol 2 - featuring tracks by Wordless People, Tortured Soul, Sharon Phillips and Jazzworx - sold close to 20 albums and was popular on air and in clubs.

In December, Khabzela received a "nation builder's award" from B3 Funeral Services, who gave him the "prize" of a free burial.

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Mp3 Download Dj Khabzela Mekonko Ulbum — MP3 FULL ALBUMS

Log in to watch more. His Positive Youth of Gauteng movement hoped to send additional messages of peace and positive living to young people, and while there was criticism that he had not practised what he preached, there can be no doubt the man intended to inspire. Are you certain you mekonk to delete this board? He admitted so himself, although, as his friend and colleague Shabba Muleya said, he demonstrated a tremendous will to live - even on New Year's Day, which is the last time Shabba saw him.

The comedian and Yfm celebrity said Khabzela had even spoken about returning to work. Most Read on IOL.

Mixed by Khabzela

We need your help! We have emailed you a change of email request. It is also worth rem-embering that Khabzela was a man who loved music. Read next on IOL.

Download Mp3 Khabzela — MP3 DOWNLOAD

Always play videos fullscreen. Select a track to watch the music video here. The common factor in the statements and words of everyone who has commented about his death this week has been his overwhelming love of life.

The former taxi driver may have become a cult figure through his iconic show on Yfm, but his fame never detracted from his deep identification with his roots in Soweto. Seven family members burnt beyond recognition in N1 fireball crash horror. When Khabzela was then pulled off air, there must have been times when Maloka again felt hurt about a man he had grown close to.

Help us build the world's largest lyrics collection by contributing lyrics in the comments below. But there was pain, too. This action cannot be undone! Despite condemnation from critics and vilification in some quarters, the DJ was undoubtedly the closest figure South Africa has had to Freddie Mercury - the first major entertainment figure here to publicly disclose his HIV status.

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