Trafalgar House yes- terday insisted that it would not abandon its bid despite the formal end of its agreement with British Shipbuilders and toe BP rig cancel- lation. Last year Sitmar accepted a fresh delivery date of February this year. Juts prepared - two major; reports in the run lip ter 'die UK budget. The forecast implies a fall from 12 per cent at' the start of to 7 per cent at year-end, as the economy benefits from the recent stabilising of the Hong Kong dollar. As it is, the harshness of the real world into which President Mitterrand was elected has turned out, in retrospect, to have been surprisingly salutary. The best hope tile unions have, and they and the Gov-, eminent know it well.
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But Magnard was an enormously refined product of his tradition, and the Sym- phony offers a sort of quin- tessence of the French s — out of its time, yes, but grimly, consistently heartfelt, and wielding its Wagnerian orches- tra to rich effect no effects self and addresses his music with great conviction.
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He is shortly launching a 12 -hour music channel on cable-tv in a joint venture with Yorkshire Television. Land sales revenues for are expected to be HKS 4.
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Opposition to Mr Turner, how- ever, could be strong. No longer will Apple or other soft- ware copyright holders have to fight imitators on a case-by-case ba- sis, they said.
Bilingual, but by birth a French- speaking Canadian, Mr Chretien might garner more support in Que- bec than Mr Turner, but traditional- ly the Liberal Party leadership has alternated between French and English-speaking Canadians. The machining centres are supplemented by half a dozen other computerised machines which do the more specialised cutting and shaping jobs. The value of the UB.
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Though French defence policy has been moving in this direction, few French leaders have dared to be so outspoken. Mr Peter 2f, chairman v3.5.038 cable services Thorn EMI, said that in Thorn's Swindon cable televirion operation, Tbom already had a sys- tem, studio and programming to demonstrate. I -L ir VV-er. As one of -the previous teachers of Chinese there, I am extremely disappointed by this misguided and short-term policy on the part of Oxfordshire Education Committee.
There is also speculation that i Mrs Campagnolo, the damsung presi-dent, with a strong base in the west,! It is aimed at fee advanced ama- teur as well as the outright beginner.

Debates about the merits of the American political system recur with every Presidential campaign. New realism, of course, cuts both ways. Of the total cost, satellites those that per- the university will have to find f onne d the best about one-third. Until then, ordinary interest- bearing accounts will continue to exist alongside Islamic accounts. It treats us exclusively to tbe painting and, to a lesser extent, the sculp- ture, that Venice produced in the 16th century.
Also he hopes to reduce to virtually zero the volume of metal that is sitting around the factory awaiting some kind of machining opera- tion. The additional resources should be allowed, it says, only after the present negotiations to change the system of budget contributions rad to restrain farm spending are con- cluded.
A full-tune official would be based permanently at Cheltenham to co-ordinate the new organisation. Agreement on CAP reform and on new price proposals is essential, if other major issues, including a deal on additional funding for EEC programmes and a settlement of the British budgetary imbalances, are to be successfully negotiated.
Sir John forecast that Hong Kong's Gross Domestic Product will grow by 6 per cent in real, inflation-adjusted, terms in the calendar year, similar to the 5. Alt the same, I remembered Faurts own recording of the 3rd Prelude technically easy —transparent, steady, scrupu- lously pedalled as marked. In a sense, tfvse elections will be an indi- cation of grass roos support for the union's demand for a shorter week backed np by strike action.
Brazil and South Korea.

But for a short break, from May until Februarywhen a Progressive Conservative minority Government was in power, Mr Tru- deau has remained at the head of the Canadian Government Samsug the second half of the s v3.5.038 the s have proved very different from the heady s. There is even a hotline to her desk at the company's London head- quarters. Only against the yen is the dollar managing some stability and that may have as much to do with the Bank of Japan as with the market's own inclina- tion.
That pointed towards a very ex- tensive programme of market re- search to provide the facts for pro- grammers to work on. His main job is to feed instructions into the computers that run the V3.5.038 system.
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